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Non-negative local sparse coding algorithm based on elastic net and histogram intersection
WAN Yuan, ZHANG Jinghui, CHEN Zhiping, MENG Xiaojing
Journal of Computer Applications    2019, 39 (3): 706-711.   DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2018071483
Abstract442)      PDF (1007KB)(303)       Save
To solve the problems that group effect is neglected when selecting dictionary bases in sparse coding models, and distance between a features and a dictionary base can not be effectively measured by Euclidean distance, Non-negative Local Sparse Coding algorithm based on Elastic net and Histogram intersection (EH-NLSC) was proposed. Firstly, with elastic-net model introduced in the optimization function to remove the restriction on selected number of dictionary bases, multiple groups of correlation features were selected and redundant features were eliminated, improving the discriminability and effectiveness of the coding. Then, histogram intersection was introduced in the locality constraint of the coding, and the distance between the feature and the dictionary base was redefined to ensure that similar features share their local bases. Finally, multi-class linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) was adopted to realize image classification. The experimental results on four public datasets show that compared with LLC (Locality-constrained Linear Coding for image classification) and NENSC (Non-negative Elastic Net Sparse Coding), the classification accuracy of EH-NLSC is increased by 10 percentage points and 9 percentage points respectively on average, proving its effectiveness in image representation and classification.
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Image classification based on multi-layer non-negativity and locality Laplacian sparse coding
WAN Yuan, ZHANG Jinghui, WU Kefeng, MENG Xiaojing
Journal of Computer Applications    2018, 38 (9): 2489-2494.   DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2018020501
Abstract692)      PDF (1164KB)(519)       Save
Focused on that limitation of single-layer structure on image feature learning ability, a deep architecture based on sparse representation of image blocks was proposed, namely Multi-layer incorporating Locality and non-negativity Laplacian Sparse Coding method (MLLSC). Each image was divided uniformly into blocks and SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) feature extraction on each image block was performed. In the sparse coding stage, locality and non-negativity were added in the Laplacian sparse coding optimization function, dictionary learning and sparse coding were conducted at the first and second levels, respectively. To remove redundant features, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dimensionality reduction was performed before the second layer of sparse coding. And finally, multi-class linear SVM (Support Vector Machine) was adopted for image classification. The experimental results on four standard datasets show that MLLSC has efficient feature expression ability, and it can capture deeper feature information of images. Compared with the single-layer algorithms, the accuracy of the proposed algorithm is improved by 3% to 13%; compared with the multi-layer sparse coding algorithms, the accuracy of the proposed algorithm is improved by 1% to 2.3%. The effects of different parameters were illustrated, which fully demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in image classification.
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